Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Paraphrase of Isaiah 1:10-20

Hey, you bunch of queers, listen up! This is God speaking. Let’s give a little attention to what the Bible says, you hypocrites! Why do you even bother to come to church? I have had all I can stand of your "worship" services. I’ve had enough of your Sunday school. Who told you to do any of those things, anyway?

There’s no point in your even coming to me. I’ve had enough of your singing, your pious prayers and your "Bible" preaching. Your whole church service is disgusting. You’ve done enough Christmas cantatas and sunrise services. They just annoy me. I’m tired of listening to you.

When you pray, I will stop up my ears. When you look for me, I will hide my face. I won’t hear you. Your hands are full of the blood of lost sinners, desperate poor people and aborted babies.

Clean up your act! Change your ways! Repent! Stop doing evil! Learn to do right. Help the lost, the helpless, the orphans, the widows, the unfortunate and oppressed.

Come on guys! Listen to me! As bad as it is, if you just work with me, we can fix this thing. Although your sins are as wicked as Satan himself, I can make you clean. Though you be teetering on the edge of destruction, I can still save you.

If you’ll just come to me and work with me, I will save you and protect you. But if you don’t, you have only destruction and judgment to look forward to. That’s all I’ve got to say.


tess said...


Unknown said...

Tell it like it is

TC4Christ said...

The True interpretation. Remember there wasn't sealed redemption till our Lord Jesus Christ's death when the spirit conceived. -- Oh listen my chosen people! This is the Lord, you have turned your back on me yet again. Where once you worshiped Me and gave rightious offerings, and now you have spit and insulted Me! If yall keep refuseing me I will refuse you also. But you are my beloved my chosen and there will be justice. And to those who repent and turn from their evil ways come back to me they be renewed. When a soul turns away too long it becomes a poison and it will kill you so turn and come back to me!

Now thank God for Jesus because if we are covered by His blood which we know there is no impurity in the blood of Jesus. If your saved by His blood your sealed by His blood also! So rejoice that dumb preachers cant scare people with the old testiment! Nor can they use it to judge their flock! But they can use it to give their flock a reason to praise the name of Jesus!

Ahmet Hernandez said...

Very well done Brother Tom. Though I really don't get the queers opening.

Bro. Tom said...

Well, some readers!

First, for tc4christ, please note that it is a paraphrase, not an interpretation or exegesis. And, I admit, the language is slightly provocative. Purposely so. The intent is to cause our generation to consider our own conduct in light of the Scriptural model and the character of Christ himself.

Now concerning the Old Testament, please consider 2 Timothy 2:16-17, where the New Testament tells us that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." This was written of the Old Testament (New Testament wasn't compiled yet) and clearly tells us that the Old Testament is to be used for all those things.

The original Scripture in Isaiah, in context, was an admonishment of God's people for their hypocrisy, claiming to be children of God while living in and for the world. For this God promised them judgment in the form of the Babylonian captivity. Surely it would be appropriate to bring it to the church's attention as a model of how God deals with disobedient children. As it is so clearly stated in the New Testament (Hebrews 12:5-8), God chastises disobedient children. In fact, it is one of the marks of His fatherhood.

Finally, brethren, there is no judgment here from the preacher. This is simply an opportunity for the Spirit of God to use the Word of God (even in paraphrased form) to convict the hearts of his people. As is written in Proverbs 28:1, "The wicked flee when no man pursueth". Are you guilty, brother?

Praise the Lord for your willingness to go out on a limb for Jesus.

Ahmet: Queers is a derivation of rulers of Sodom and people of Gomorrah (Isaiah 1:10), which we know from recent study is only one of the sins of Sodom, and not even the chief one.