Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Waiting on God

It's a little bit eery sometimes to know something needs to be done and be unable to do it. In our case, the church is badly in need of additional space. We recently started a Sunday school class for married couples in the hallway. The first week it had twenty-four people in it. Now twenty-four people in the hallway may not have much meaning for you, but it tells me we need more education space.

Same is true of the parking lot. Two weeks ago a late comer had trouble finding a space, even with the Sunday school teachers parking on the grass.

Additionally, the church has never had a fellowship hall or a kitchen. Optional, you say? Well, I agree in principle, but they surely are convenient.

So....the latest survey shows we need (would like to have) about 14,000 square feet of building (combines fellowship hall with gym for Christian school). At $65 per square foot, it doesn't take long to figure out we're nearing the seven figure range. No problem, you say, just go get a loan.

Well, there is a problem. The Scripture is pretty clear concerning borrowing money. Debt is bondage (Proverbs 22:7). The borrower is servant to the lender. Well, then, if the head of the body (the church) is Jesus Christ, then should the body place itself in bondage to any other organization, say, a bank for instance. The answer is clearly no.

Well, if we need seven figures and we barely have six, how do we deal with it?

I see three options:


Disobedience is out. Downsizing is possible but may not meet even the most immediate need. The final option is most unpalatable but most Scriptural. We pray...and wait.

He will be glorified in this and every other situation.

Just a servant,



tess said...

Hey there! How are you? I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one waiting. I guess waiting is something we will never get rid of on this earth. Are you guys going to try to come to Summit? It's a big trip. I'm going to try to find an adult to go with our group. When I asked our SS group about it all the ones who had been before got really excited. I really want to go this year. Probably more than other year. Well, I hope you had a great 4th of July! I'll pray that the Lord bless your waiting and that He would provide for your needs. God bless!

tess said...

I just got back from camp about an hour ago. It was fun, but strange because of the new environment. The new camp was nice. Each building consisted of of two sides. One cabin on the right and one on the left connected by a hall and the bathroom were in the middle with four sinks, three showers, and two toilets. They had dresser drawers in between the bunks(six bunks on each side). The gym was up the road a ways so we never went there. No one that I know of was saved. I think three of the older girls confessed that they didn't know the Lord by pieces of paper so I don't know who they were. They had the Gospel presented to them though. I'll tell you more later probably in post form. Lance really wants to use the computer!

Unknown said...

We have the money, the people just won't give it!